Our sun gives us energy free of cost. The sun act as a nuclear reactor. It releases energy in the form of photons. These energy packets travel 93 million miles away from their source to our earth in just 8 to 9 minutes. The sun releases enough photons to generate enough power to meet our energy requirements throughout the world for a whole year. It’s amazing! Solar energy is the biggest blessing.
Solar panel working
The solar panel works by letting photons emitting by the sun. It knocks out its electrons separated from the nucleus of an atom, and thus it can produce electricity. Solar panels are made up of many tiny photovoltaic cells joined together. The more small panels you attach, the more is the amount of energy you can generate. A photovoltaic cell is composed of two thin pieces of semi-conductor, normally silicon. These cells contain one positive and one negative layer, which, linked together, generate an electric field, just as a magnetic field.
The phosphorus compound is embedded in the upper layer of silicon; Phosphorus adds up extra electrons; the panel needs to get its negative charge. The lower layer is reacted with boron. It subtracts electrons so that a positive direction is retained in it. An electric field is generated between two layers of silicon. In this way, electrons are pulled out of the silicon of solar cells and gives electricity.
Installation of Solar panels and working
Once the panels are installed on the roof of your house and begin generating energy, some simple steps are needed to turn this energy, which you can use at your home. The solar panel works when the solar rays fall on its plates. They produce direct current electricity, in which the electrons move throughout the circuit in just one direction. To use this energy for domestic purposes, it should be transformed from direct current to alternating current electricity, in which the electrons can move in alternative directions. When you installed solar panels on the rooftop of your home, you require a solar inverter as well. This inverter changes the direct current generated from the solar panels to alternative electricity which cab used at your home.
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How do solar panels works at night
In case your solar panels generate more amount of energy than that needed at your home at any time, you may be amazed where this electricity has gone. This energy is then sent back to the primary power grid. You will get its credit in your electricity bill. This procedure is known as net Metering. It is a good thing regarding solar.
In short, your rooftop panel is generating energy and, after sending, gives the excess back to the primary electric grid with the help of a meter installed at your home. This will later allow you to gain an advantage from all amount of energy produces. At the time, your domestic purposes need strength more than your panels generate. You can utilize energy credits through your extra power to reduce your electricity bill. However, if you are not present at home.
The produced electricity is not in use then. What are the consequences at night time, when sunlight is not current, and your panel is not making power? You don’t need to worry. You can still use the power your system has generated. This is the point where net Metering comes to help.
Here present below a step by simple step guide regarding the working of solar panel:
Step 1
Sunlight fall on the solar panels. Its silicon plates began working to produce Direct current electricity.
Step 2
The direct electric current begins to flow through the inverter. The inverter is responsible for converting direct current electricity into alternating current electricity, commonly used and consumed at our homes.
Step 3
The Alternative current electricity flow from the inverter into a breaker box. After that, the current flows through any appliance at our home, which operates on electricity.
Step 4
Excess electricity or extra generated electricity flows backward in the utility meter, then into the electric grid. You will get a credit on your electric bill when you need more energy at the domestic level than this electricity will extract from the electric grid.
How do solar panels work on cloudy days
Solar panels can work on cloudy days but not as much as on a sunny day. According to research, they generate 10 to 25 percent of energy during cloudy days as well. But their working is affected due to cloudy weather.
Photovoltaic panels use direct and sometimes indirect solar rays to produce power, although they work efficiently in direct sunlight. Solar panels will work if the light is partially reflected or blocked by clouds. You can meet your energy needs by net Metering and solar batteries.
Power home solar
Solar inverters and power optimizers are proved revolutionary devices in the solar industry. It uses power optimizers installed with the solar panel due to its superior technology. Power optimizers enable your panels to link with each other and provide as much power as they can in all conditions. If one plate is having a problem with it, the rest of the plates still work at their maximum efficiency.
How does solar panels work in winter
A solar panel works by producing energy from solar light, not from its heat. Briefly, when the light hit the panel, the emitted electron drove the current in silicon wafers. Hence, in the winter season, the sunlight hits the solar panel; it will produce electricity. Cold weather is proved optimal for the efficiency of solar panels. If more energy is made, then it will store in batteries for future use.
Solar energy protects individuals and homes from terrible winter conditions. Cold temperatures will increase solar power production, and it can reside for use in future use. 5 Plus, during a cold and clear day with the help of grid connections and Net Metering. Net Metering will prove advantageous during the winter months when the electricity production lower because of shorter days. A solar battery built-in is the best backup for bad weather. Battery saves electricity produce by your solar panels to keep your work running.
Benefits we all got using solar panels
Nowadays, as lifesavers. These are some of the best things gifted to us by technology.
- Renewable source of energy.
- Reduction in electricity bills.
- Timing.
- Low maintenance.
- Applicable at any place.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Is our solar panel waterproof?
Solar panels are not waterproof. To enhance its lifespan, avoid making it wet.
How much solar energy is needed to make the panel worthwhile?
If you live in a sunny area, due to more solar energy, more electricity is produced and hence more money you save.
What about the life span of solar panels?
Most solar panels have a lifespan of ranges from 25 and 30 years.
Which size of solar panel do I need?
The size depends on your need for electricity daily.
How much space required for solar panels?
Advanced solar panels don’t need much space. They are a space saver.